Recent 50 Test Papers (By Subject)     
Test ID Subject Description Score Date of test
NSP-111-240905-215734 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 75% 2024-09-05 21:57:34
NSP-111-240905-215602 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 75% 2024-09-05 21:56:02
NSP-111-240722-163347 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2024-07-22 16:33:47
NSP-111-240722-154652 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 80% 2024-07-22 15:46:52
NSP-111-240722-154440 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 80% 2024-07-22 15:44:40
NSP-111-240722-154106 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 30% 2024-07-22 15:41:06
NSP-111-240720-134109 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 50% 2024-07-20 13:41:09
NSP-111-240403-212326 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 80% 2024-04-03 21:23:26
NSP-111-220517-214107 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 20% 2022-05-17 21:41:07
NSP-111-200407-164259 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 60% 2020-04-07 16:42:59
NSP-111-200404-161652 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 40% 2020-04-04 16:16:52
NSP-111-200404-120829 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2020-04-04 12:08:29
NSP-111-190101-174021 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 67% 2019-01-01 17:40:21
NSP-111-190101-122248 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 50% 2019-01-01 12:22:48
NSP-111-190101-121110 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 40% 2019-01-01 12:11:10
NSP-111-181231-131555 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 20% 2018-12-31 13:15:55
NSP-111-180420-174753 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 10% 2018-04-20 17:47:53
NSP-111-170922-155539 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 10% 2017-09-22 15:55:39
NSP-111-170802-175706 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 70% 2017-08-02 17:57:06
NSP-111-170220-140851 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 90% 2017-02-20 14:08:51
NSP-111-161022-003551 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2016-10-22 00:35:51
NSP-111-161022-002553 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 25% 2016-10-22 00:25:53
NSP-111-160929-095407 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 80% 2016-09-29 09:54:07
NSP-111-160824-182119 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 50% 2016-08-24 18:21:19
NSP-111-151226-171001 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:10:01
NSP-111-151226-170959 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:59
NSP-111-151226-170954 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:54
NSP-111-151226-170952 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:52
NSP-111-151226-170950 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:50
NSP-111-151226-170948 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:48
NSP-111-151226-170946 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:46
NSP-111-151226-170942 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:42
NSP-111-151226-170939 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:39
NSP-111-151226-170936 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:36
NSP-111-151226-170934 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:34
NSP-111-151226-170918 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2015-12-26 17:09:18
NSP-111-151226-091328 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2015-12-26 09:13:28
NSP-111-150809-222929 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2015-08-09 22:29:29
NSP-111-150418-231844 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2015-04-18 23:18:44
NSP-111-150109-020917 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 80% 2015-01-09 02:09:17
NSP-111-140729-210704 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2014-07-29 21:07:04
NSP-111-140429-163416 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2014-04-29 16:34:16
NSP-111-140428-112144 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2014-04-28 11:21:44
NSP-111-140428-111627 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2014-04-28 11:16:27
NSP-111-140421-221931 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 100% 2014-04-21 22:19:31
NSP-111-140421-211531 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 70% 2014-04-21 21:15:31
NSP-111-140421-211418 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 10% 2014-04-21 21:14:18
NSP-111-140421-211006 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 40% 2014-04-21 21:10:06
NSP-111-140421-210748 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 60% 2014-04-21 21:07:48
NSP-111-140418-103411 DEMO - Vocabulary and Grammar Cloze (1 short passage) 0% 2014-04-18 10:34:11