splogo NSP-111-200407-164259

Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

  (60%) 2 Min 16 Sec

 Please use each word in the following box once:

amusing attention conveyed displays popular
sent shows rare

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    A cartoon is a humorous drawing. It is used to express a message. Cartoons are (1) conveyed [popular] in newspapers because cartoonists know that people will get a message more quickly from a cartoon than by reading the news. The message can be (2) displays [conveyed] through words and drawings or through drawings alone. It is an interesting and (3) amusing way to comment on events and news. Usually, cartoon characters are drawn with oversized heads. This is done to draw our (4) attention to important facial expressions. For example, a cartoon character with raised eyebrows (5) shows that he is angry. Or a character with a pout indicates that he is unhappy. Different cartoonists use different techniques in their drawings.

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