splogo NSP-111-160929-095407

Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

  (80%) 2 Min 20 Sec

 Please use each word in the following box once:

before as which then finally
when first in

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     Mrs Ong is teaching Julia how to make some garlic bread. (1) first , turn the oven on and cut each breadroll in half. (2) before putting the garlic and butter into a small bowl to be mixed together, the garlic must be crushed into smaller pieces first. The garlic and butter are (3) then spread on the inside of the rolls using a table knife after which these breadrolls are wrapped (4) in a piece of foil before they are put in the oven to be baked for 30 minutes. This is not the end yet. Using oven mitts, the breadrolls are removed from the oven and (5) which [finally] the foil is unwrapped before they are ready to be served. Julia is happy that she has learnt how to make garlic bread.

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