splogo NSP-111-240722-154440

Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

  (80%) 1 Min 44 Sec

 Please use each word in the following box once:

a before she they unless
after for so those until
although from the to while

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     I remember this year's World Cup (1) [for] a long time to come. There were so many spectacular goals that I would never forget how (2) they were scored. There were also many goof footballers. (3) the best player in the tournament is Ronaldo, a player (4) from Brazil.
     I am already looking forward (5) to the next World Cup (6) [until] then, I can only look back on this World Cup and savour the memories. For (7) those of us who stay up late to watch the matches, it was well worth it (8) although we had only 2 or 3 hours of sleep.
     However, I have (9) a word of caution for those who await the next World Cup. Do not stay up (10) unless you are prepared to forgo your sleep.

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