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8  (80%) 2 Min 4 Sec

  1.  When we travelled to China last year, we stay in a __________________.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  2.  The suspect is in custody and is _______________ trial.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= A,

  3.  ______________ the pupils has been chided for vandalizing the classroom.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  4.  “Don’t ________ with fire,” warned the stern policeman.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  5.  Vicky is only 15 years old but she looks ________ than her 17-year-old sister.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  6.  The soldiers who ____________________ at the National Parade looked smart and proud.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  7.  Please return the book______me tomorrow

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

  8.  My friend, Melissa, is so ________ that she constantly gets tricked by cunning salesmen into parting with her money.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= C,

  9.  My father ________ watching television in the evening. He particularly likes the Chinese programmes.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

  10.  I bathse the puppy every [red]Saturday[/red] by _____

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

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