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8  (80%) -3480 Sec

  1.  Rachel, who is short-sighted, has to sit _______ the class. If she sits too far away from the board, she cannot see the words written on the board.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  2.  Please _______ the money as soon _______as possible.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,Work Sheet:

  3.  The huge house on top of the hill has been ________ for almost five years.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= C,

  4.  The chicken curry was so _________________ that it left a burning feeling in my mouth.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  5.  The pupils are told to ________ the building if a fire breaks out.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= B,

  6.  Josh could not help stammering as he stood in front of the _______________ of interviewers.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

  7.  Jason puts on his __________________ to protect his eyes when he goes swimming.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  8.  They are ________ for the examination tomorrow.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  9.  Francis ate his burger quickly as he was as hungry as a ___________________.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  10.  Don’t walk ________ a ladder! Some people believe you will get bad luck.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

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