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1  (10%) 13 Sec

  1.  Xi Li was ____________________ as she had won the top prize in the Essay Competition.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= A,

  2.  My friend, Melissa, is so ________ that she constantly gets tricked by cunning salesmen into parting with her money.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

  3.  _______________ your own Christmas cards can be really fun.

    Your answer=, Correct answer= D,

  4.  The campers are supposed to ________ in the hall at 12.30 p.m sharp before setting off to a campsite.

    Your answer=, Correct answer= A,

  5.  Did you know that there _________ 365 days in a year?

    Your answer=, Correct answer= A,

  6.  Please return the book______me tomorrow

    Your answer=, Correct answer= C,

  7.  Marie Ford has red hair. She _______________ her Irish mother.

    Your answer=, Correct answer= D,

  8.  All living thins______water to surve

    Your answer=, Correct answer= C,

  9.  These projects on this table are very good. _______ over there on the wall are not as good.

    Your answer=, Correct answer= D,

  10.  What did you ________? I didn't hear you.

    Your answer=, Correct answer= A,

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