
Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

(No Score) 6 Sec

* Please note that the answer we provided is only for your information. Good luck!

  1. Look at the figure below.
    Give two functions of the skeleton as shown above.

    (a) ______________
    (b) _______________

  2. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  3. a) A, B and C are different types of blood vessels. At which blood vessel is digested food and oxygen in the blood passed to the other parts of the body?
    b) Name the blood vessels A, B and C.

    c) In the diagram above, name the organs X and Y.
    d) Which pair of blood vessels carry oxygenated blood? ______________________________________________________________

  4. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  5. Lungs


    All parts of the body

    (a) Draw 2 arrows to represent the flow of oxygenated blood. Label them A and B. (1 m)

    (b) Draw 2 arrows to represent the flow of deoxygenated blood. Label them C and D. (1 m)

    (c) Name the thick blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. (1 m)

  6. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  7. Look at the diagram below carefully. Fill in the boxes with the names of the gases.

  8. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  9. A fresh piece of bread was left in a plastic bag. After some days, patches of thread-like things started to grow on the bread. Later, tiny black dots formed.
    (a) What are the thread-like things that grew on the bread?
    (b) What are the tiny black dots?
    (c) If the fresh piece of bread had been toasted instead, would you find the thread-like things on it? Why?

  10. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  11. Ziming conducted an experiment to investigate how different types of pollutants affected the growth of duckweeds. He filled 3 similar containers P, Q and R with tap water and then added 50 duckweeds into each of them. He added liquid detergent into container Q. He also added bleach into container R as shown in the table below. He then left the 3 containers near a window for 1 week.
    a) Complete the table below with the correct amount of tap water and pollutants to be used to ensure a fair test.





    Amount of tap water (ml)


    Amount of pollutants (ml)



    b) What should he measure in this experiment at the end of the week?
    c) What is the purpose of having container P in the above experiment? Ans: ________________

  12. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  13. Place 4 items from the above box into correct groups shown below.

  14. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  15. Look at the picture below.

    (a) Name the following parts.
    A: ______________
    B: ______________
    C: ______________
    (b) How does it reproduce?

  16. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  17. Raj would like to know how his pulse rate will change with the activities he is engaged in. The graph below shows Raj's pulse rate taken when he was involved in 3 different activities.

    a) Which line, A, B, or C, shows Raj's pulse rate when he was jogging at East Coast Park?
    b) Raj realised that he was panting after he jogged. Why was that so?
    c) What could Raj be doing when his pulse rate is at Line C?

  18. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  19. Study the classification table below. Fill in the headings of the classification table in the space provided.

  20. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

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