
Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

(No score) 6 Sec

* Please note that the answer we provided is only for your information. Good luck!

  1. What is so special about the seahorse's skeleton?
  2. Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  3. Why does the seahorse have eyes which can move and see in different directions from each other?
  4. Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  5. What does the male seahorse use the pouch on it stomach for?
  6. Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  7. What does the male seahorse have to do for the babies to be born?
  8. Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  9. Which sentence tells you only a few seahorse babies become adult seahorses?
  10. Click here for proposed answer: open passage

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