splogo NSP-111-240727-145955 timer

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     Question 1

    Please select most suitable word from given list:

        [old]     [older]     [oldest]     [elder]

    James looks a lot than you.

     Question 2

    Please select most suitable word from given list:

        [sick]     [sickness]     [sickly]

    No, I don't like her perfume. It smells sweetto me.

     Question 3

    Please select most suitable word from given list:

        [victory]     [victor]     [win]     [victorious]

    Napoleon was in Italy.

     Question 4

    Please select most suitable word from given list:

        [voted]     [voting]     [vote]     [voter]

    Do you know who you will for in the election?

     Question 5

    Please select most suitable word from given list:

        [Volunteered]     [Volunteers]     [Volunteer]     [Volunteering]

    for charity is rewarding.

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