splogo NSP-111-240727-143347 timer

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  1. 1240 Countries that face water shortage can ___________________.
    A: reuse water
    B: recycle water
    C: obtain water from seawater
    D: build more reservoirs to collect rainwater

  2.  Selma set up the experiment as shown below. She poured equal amounts of water into 4 different glass containers and placed them under the Sun.

    She was testing the effect of the _______________ on the rate of evaporation of water.

  3.  The table below shows the number of seedlings planted in a plot of land over a period of 2 weeks.
    Number of seedlings

    What could have caused the changes in the number of seedlings over the 2 weeks?
    A: A drop in the supply of water to these seedlings.
    B: A decrease in the number of animals feeding on the seedlings.
    C: Regular rainfall resulting in the plants getting enough water.
    D: Lack of nutrients in the soil.

  4.  Which 1 of the following diagrams correctly shows the exchange of gases between the leaf of a plant and the surrounding air on a dark night?

  5.  John conducted an experiment to find out if carbon dioxide is given off by the mouse during respiration.

    Which 1 of the following observations would he make after 1 hour?

    Limewater in flask A
    Limewater in flask B
    Remained clear
    Turned chalky
    Turned chalky
    Remained clear
    Remained clear
    Remained clear
    Turned chalky
    Turned chalky

  6.  The metal tank below has a capacity of 1000 cm3.

    It can be filled with _____________________.

  7.  Samy made some statements about the plant shown below.

    Which of the following statement(s) he made was/were correct?
    A: It can reproduce.
    B: It can move on its own.
    C: It does not need food to stay alive.

  8.  The air we breathe out contains more ____________ than the air we breathe in.
    A: Oxygen
    B: Carbon dioxide
    C: Nitrogen

  9.  The boxes below represent the different states of water in the water cycle.

    Which of the following correctly describe A?
    A: It is made up of tiny water droplets.
    B: It is formed when water evaporates.
    C: It is invisible.

  10.  Which of the following are some causes of water pollution?
    A: Oil spills
    B: Deforestation
    C: Rubbish thrown from a ship
    D: A gardener uses insecticide near a pond

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