splogo NSP-111-240727-115917 timer

Please write your answers in the text box provided. Good luck!

  1. Samantha spilled some coffee on her living room floor. Two hours later there were some stains left on the floor. How were the stains formed?

  2. Your answer:

  3. A beaker contains 100ml of water. When a metal cube is put into the beaker, its water level rises to 150ml.

    (a) Explain why the water level rises.
    When 2 more similar metal cubes were placed in the beaker of water. Its water level rises further.
    (b) Draw the new water level in the diagram below.

  4. Your answer:

  5. The diagram shows the exchange of gases between living things and their environment.

    (a) Which 2 arrows indicate the exchange of gases during photosynthesis?


    (b) Besides photosynthesis, name the other process that is represented by the arrows in the diagram.


  6. Your answer:

  7. Gina heated 500 ml of tap water at 27°C in a beaker for 15 minutes before it started to boil. She continued heating the water for another 5 minutes.
    Draw in the space below a graph to show the change in temperature of water with time.

  8. Your answer:

  9. Fill the in blanks below with the helping words provided in the box. Use each word only ONCE.
    All living things need food to stay alive. Grass makes food using energy from the a)______________. Plant-eaters such as zebras feed on the grass. The zebra is in turn hunted and fed on by meat-eaters such as tigers. In this way, the b)______________ from the Sun is passed on from the grass to the zebras and finally to the tiger.

  10. Your answer:

  11. Sample Text

  12. Your answer:

  13. The graph below shows the concentration of oxygen in the 4 blood sample taken at the same time from different blood vessels located in the different parts of the circulatory system.

    The diagram below is a simplified way of showing how blood travels in our body. P, Q, R and S are blood vessels.

    a) Which blood sample (W, X, Y or Z) is most likely taken from the blood veseel which is represented by P in the above diagram?
    b) Which arrow(s) should represent the movement of blood rich in carbon dioxide?
    c) Identify the organ in which the digested food is absorbed into the blood.

  14. Your answer:

  15. Study the diagram below.

    Two balloons, A and B, are filled with the same amount of air. Some air is then let out of Balloon B. Now, there is a _______________ amount of air in Balloon A than in Balloon B. As such, the rod will tilt upwards on the right side. This experiment shows that air has _________________.

  16. Your answer:

  17. Classify the following into matter and non-matter.
    Oxygen, Music, Light, Alcohol

    Matter Non-Matter
    space space
    space space
    space space
    space space

  18. Your answer:

  19. Three boys wrote the following statements after observing some plants.
    Fred: These ferns have no flowers.
    Jack: The orchid and the rose plants are flowering plants.
    Tom: The angsana tree and the balsam plant are non-flowering plants because there are no flowers on the tree.
    (a) Who wrote an incorrect statement?
    (b) Give one reason for your answer.

  20. Your answer:

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