splogo NSP-111-240427-112454 timer

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  1. QID There were 159 women and 177 men in a cinema. If they were seated in 8 equal rows, how many people were there in each row?

  2. QID 815 + 60 = 5 + ___________________.
    What is the number in the box?

  3. QID What is the missing number below?
        7 5 2 9
     -  2 3 ? 1
        5 1 8 8

  4. QID Sunshine School has 590 pupils fewer than Garden School. If Garden School has 2 700 pupils, how many pupils has Sunshine School?

  5. QID What is the missing number in the number pattern?
    1 625, 1 735, 1 845, __________.

  6. QID 

    What is the missing number ?

  7. QID 200 less than ____________ is 2 815.
    What is the number in the blank?

  8. QID Which one of the following number statements is correct?
    A gardener planted @ rows of trees. There were $ trees in each row. Altogether there were 72 trees.

  9. QID When 4 children shared some balloons equally, each of them had 36 balloons. If these balloons were shared by 4 more children, how many balloons would each child get?

  10. QID Arrange the numbers in order. Begin with the smallest number.
      3 624    3 246   3 264  3 426

  11. QID What is the difference between 3 985 and 7 124?

  12. QID Which one of the following is the same as 5 410?

  13. QID What is remainder when 156 is divided by 7?

  14. QID Which one of the following numbers has the digit 8 in the hundreds place?

  15. QID The product of 26 and 5 is the same as the product of 10 and __________________.
    What is the missing number

  16. QID Mrs Tan earns $8 an hour. How many hours must she work to earn $808?

  17. QID Maya has 35 Malaysian stamps. She has 8 times as many Singapore stamps as Malaysian stamps. How many stamps does she have in all?

  18. QID I think of a number. When I divide it by 3 and add the quotient to 16, the answer is 25. What is the number?

  19. QID James has 10 books more than Tom and 16 books less than Ahmad. Ahmad has 56 books.
    (a) How many books has tom?
    (b) If James sold his books at $3 each to a second-hand bookshop, how much money would he get?

  20. QID My father can take a maximum of 4 people in his car. What is the least number of trips he has to make to take 21 people to the Singapore Zoological Gardens in his car?

  21. QID A T-shirt cost $ 7. If Janice bought 6 such T-shirts, how much change would she get if she paid the cashier with a $ 50 note?

  22. QID Look at the diagram. What is the difference between A and B?

  23. QID Using all the digits given, what is the largest even number that can be formed, with the digit 3 in the tens place?
      2    3    5     0 

  24. QID Mother bought 4 trays of eggs. Each tray had 10 eggs. How much money did Mother pay for all the eggs if each egg cost 10 cents?

  25. QID What is the sum of 25 tens and 14 hundreds?

  26. QID What is the quotient when 700 is divided by 5?

  27. QID Leela had $88.20. She bought two of the items shown below and had $20.60 left. Which two items did she buy?

    sunglasses          swimming costume    sun-block lotion    towel

  28. QID 35 ÷ 7 = 40 ÷ ________________.
    What is the missing number in the box?

  29. QID How many twenty-cent coins have the same value as 6 fifty-cent coins?

  30. QID A laptop cost $2 110. A computer cost $386 less than the laptop. How much would Ahmad have to pay if he bought both the laptop and the computer?

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