splogo NSP-111-240426-232644 timer

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  1. QID The missing number in the circle is ______ .

  2. QID 5 classes of pupils went on an excursion.
    Each class had 35 pupils and was accompanied by two teachers.
    What was the total number of people who went for the excursion?

  3. QID Form the smallest 4-digit even number using all the digits. 5, 0, 2, 9

  4. QID Joshua collected 517 ice-cream sticks.
    Nicholas collected 230 more ice-cream sticks than Joshua.
    a) How many ice-cream sticks did Nicholas collect?
    b) How many ice-cream sticks did they collect altogether?

  5. QID Find the difference between 2 357 and 6 248.

  6. QID 30 hundreds, 43 tens and 55 ones is the same as ___________________.

  7. QID In a fancy dress contest, the number of girls who took part was four times as many as the number of boys. If 28 girls took part in the contest, find the number of boys who took part in the contest?

  8. QID There were 14 cars and bicycles in a car park.
    John counted 40 wheels altogether.
    How many cars were there?

  9. QID The tables and chairs are arranged at a restaurant as shown below.

    a) Complete the table by looking at the pattern in the arrangement.
      Pattern    No of tables    No of chairs 
















    b) How many tables are there if there are 22 chairs?

  10. QID Ben has 5 times as many coins as Kenneth.
    They have 30 coins altogether.
    How many coins does Ben have?

  11. QID There are 89 magazines arranged in 3 piles. The first pile has 19 more magazines than the second pile. The number of magazines in the second pile is twice the number of magazines in the third pile. How many magazines are there in the second pile?

  12. QID The sum of two numbers is 7 056. If the smaller number is 2 639, find the bigger number.

  13. QID If John buys 7 pens, he would be short of $2. If he buys 6 pens, he would have $1 left. How much money does John have?

  14. QID Mrs Tan bought a T-shirt at a store. She paid the cashier $50 and received a change of $17.25. How much did the T-shirt cost?

  15. QID Look at the pattern. What is the missing number?

  16. QID This is a game which requires you to use four cards below to make an addition problem.
    Each card can only be used once.
     6    7    8    9 


    Here is the addition problem.


        ___  ___


    +  ___  ___





    What would be the largest answer?

  17. QID A taxi can take 4 passengers. How many taxi are needed to transport 91 passengers?

  18. QID 28 x 7 = 20 x 7 + ? x 7.

  19. QID The printer prints 8 copies of photographs in 5 minutes.
    How many copies of photographs can it print in 25 minutes?

  20. QID Write 7 849 in words.

  21. QID Ms Lee wants her pupils to use only the digits
    7, 6, 9
    to form 3-digit odd numbers. How many possible 3-digit odd numbers can her pupils form?

  22. QID A shirt costs $8 less than a pair of pants. If 2 similar shirts cost $58, what is the cost of a pair of pants?

  23. QID Which one of the following numbers has the digit '8' in the hundreds place?

  24. QID Joe had $1 200. He had $200 less than Mark. How much do they have altogether?

  25. QID 9 children bought a present for their friend.
    They shared the cost of the present equally.
    If each child paid $7, how much did the present cost?

  26. QID There are 118 children waiting for their football coach.
    If each football coach can have only 8 children, how many coaches are needed?

  27. QID Mary has 5 notes altogether. They consists of 2-dollar and 5-dollar notes. Which one of the following can not be the total amount of money Mary has?

  28. QID Find the value of 13 ones, 24 tens, 8 hundreds and 2 thousands.

  29. QID The product of 204 and 6 is _________________________.

  30. QID Mark, Samuel and Zack had 49 marbles altogether. Mark had twice as many marbles as Samuel, while Samuel had twice as many marbles as Zack. How many marbles does Mark have?

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