splogo NSP-111-240426-082115 timer

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  1. QID Add 2 hundreds 5 tens 7 ones to 637. The answer is ______________________.

  2. QID 


    The matchstick is _________ cm long.

  3. QID An orange weighs 40 g. It weighs 5 times as much as a longan. What is the mass of the longan?

  4. QID Bala has 68 marbles. Ali has 48 marbles. How many marbles must Bala give to Ali so that each of them will have the same number of marbles?

  5. QID Subtract 8 tens from 300 + 90. The answer is _______.

  6. QID At a stationery shop, 3 erasers are sold for one dollar. If Mrs Lim buys 24 erasers, how much does she need to pay?

  7. QID A square is divided into 4 triangles.

    Fill in the missing numbers.
    Number of squares  2  4  6  8
    Number of triangles  8   16   ?    ?

  8. QID Subtract 556 from 9 hundreds 7 tens 7 ones.
    The answer is _____________________.

  9. QID Complete the following number pattern.
    10, 12, 16, 22, __________.

  10. QID When I multiply a number by 4, I get 32. What is the number?

  11. QID Study the pictures below carefully.

    What is the mass of the bag of rice?

  12. QID __________ and 6 make 706.

  13. QID ________ x 3 = 10 + 8

  14. QID 200 more than ________ is 525.

  15. QID 5 pails of water can fill a tub. 9 bottles of water can fill a pail. How many bottles of water are needed to fill a tub?

  16. QID The sum of 4 hundreds 2 tens and 3 hundreds 9 ones is _______.

  17. QID 262 + 138 = ____________.

  18. QID 326 - 278 = ____________.

  19. QID Study the pictures below carefully.

    The papaya is heavier than the apple by __________ g.

  20. QID 10 tens is the same as _______.

  21. QID 30 ÷ 3 = _______ x 5.

  22. QID What is the missing digit in the box?
        5 ? 9
      + 1 4 1
        6 8 0

  23. QID Write nine hundred and forty-eight in numbers.

  24. QID 328 + 172 = ________ tens.

  25. QID 423 more than 387 is _________.

  26. QID Brian has 70 apples. He puts 7 apples in each box. How many boxes does he need?

  27. QID 580 is 10 more than _____________.

  28. QID 18 ÷ _______ = 9.

  29. QID 4 x 8 = ___________.

  30. QID 297 - _________ = 54 + 43.

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